
Showing posts from January, 2018


FACTORS AFFECTING NATURAL VEGETATION Natural vegetation and the wildlife of a region that is the flora and fauna of a region depends on two major factors relief and climate. In relief we have two major factors that is land and soil. LAND- Land affect the natural vegetation of a region directly or indirectly. Vegetation varies from place to place and differs in dry and wet region. SOIL- The soil also varies from place to place. For example-: 1.The Sandy Soil of the Desert have cactus and thorny bushes. 2. Hill slopes with Depth of soil have conical trees. In   climate   temperature, sunlight and rainfall determine the type of flora and fauna of the region. Temperature – As the temperature is lower on the slopes of the Himalayas and hills in the peninsular India, the natural vegetation found here are different those found in tropical plants. Sunlight – The variation in the duration of sunlight at different places is due to differences in latitude,...



FACTORS AFFECTING VEGETATION India is one of the twelve mega bio –diversity countries of the world.  15000 flowering plants in India constitute 6 percent in the world’s total number of flowering plants. India also has approximately 90000 species of animal as well as a rich variety of fish in its fresh and marine water. Natural vegetation that has been left undisturbed by humans for a long time is called virgin vegetation . Flora is used to denote plants of a particular region or period and Fauna is species of animals of a particular region or period. Flora and fauna kingdom constitute biodiversity of a particular region or period. Relief, Climate and Ecosystem are three factors of biodiversity. RELIEF LAND - The nature of land influences the type of vegetation.Land supports agriculture depending on its environmental factors.Fertile land supports agriculture. SOIL- Different types of soil provide basis for different types of vegetation. The sandy soi...